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Milling drums and leather finishing lines
Erretre tannery machines are able to satisfy the demands of the entire leather finishing process: from the milling phase inside milling drums to the spraying phases
in spray finishing booths and drying tunnels.
A complete team of designers, software engineers, fitters and welders work on our leather processing and finishing machines every single day. And we have set ourselves the goal of supplying advanced machines and technologies to revolutionize the tanning industry.
​ Each milling drum, spray booth and tunnel dryer has been designed to guarantee the high quality of the construction materials, technological innovation, actual energy savings and a reduced environmental impact in the production of leather.
Not just finishing machines for tanneries therefore: what we deliver are tangible advantages.
Reliability in the consistency and reproduction of leather and hide finishing results
Control of the most complex processes (handling ramps, temperature and moisture)
Automation of the entire finishing line with advanced technologies and software
Sustainability and optimization of consumptions, emissions and chemical products

Milling drums for leathers
Milling have never been so efficient. Erretre's tannery drums guarantee excellent finishing of leather and hides, even in difficult working conditions, guaranteeing high performance and reduced consumptions along with high attention paid to environmental sustainability and automation.

Tannery automation systems
Today's hide and leather tanning systems are fully automated: Erretre machines adopt the Industry 4.0 concept, thanks to L.C.A.S and M.O.RE. software which guarantee an optimised and customised management of leather finishing. Automation and tanneries join forces to fulfil new goals.